2D or Not 2D

2D or Not 2D
Devour the world with your eyes-Winter Sorbeck

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Here's your hard work from last class. Looks great. A few folks have sent photos of their keychains "in use" but I'll wait to post a group of them. Can't wait to see all of the found patterns tomorrow. Thanks so much to Kristen for the photos.

Here's a link Cole wanted to share. See his comments for more info. Thanks Cole.


Rubbings for Thursday

Great class yesterday. Thanks for all of your efforts. I will post pictures as soon as Kristen has a chance to email them to me. Remember; Sketchbook, cutting tool and ruler are a must for Thursday and paints if you want to add color. Also 5 rubbings of found pattern demonstrating line will be due. It can be right on or pasted into your sketchbooks. Here's a link that may be helpful http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-grave-rubbings.htm Chelsea left her pink umbrella with blue stripes in class so let her know if you know it's whereabouts. Don't forget extra credit for an image of your keychain for me to post on the blog.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

That is the Question

Congratulations! You have compromised you're amatuer status. You're taking an art class. One that will give you mad art skills and speak that you'll have in you're pocket to immediatley become a better artist(lucky!)
The following definitions of elements and principles of design will be your tools to build your career in the art business and will help you navigate the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.


The Visual Elements are the basic building blocks of any work of art. The essential Elements of 2-D Design are: line, shape, texture, color, value, and mass. Think of the Visual Elements as Lego Blocks (red cube, yellow cylinder, etc.)

1. LINE: a connection between two or more adjacent points

2. SHAPE: a flat, enclosed area. A shape is created when a line connects to enclose an area, an area is surrounded by other shapes, or an area is filled with color or texture.

3. TEXTURE: the visual or tactile quality of of a form. Implied texture is when a surface looks like it has a tactile quality (for instance, a photograph of sandpaper looks rough but actually isn’t). Actual texture is when the quality of a surface can be felt by touching it (sandpaper, silk, cotton, wool, etc.)

4. COLOR: a substance that imparts a hue (such as dye, pigment, or paint.)

5. VALUE: the relative lightness or darkness of a surface.

6. MASS: the illusion of three dimensions. For example, a circle is a shape, but when value is added it appears to be a sphere - to have mass.

The Principles of Design are the means by which visual elements are organized into a unified and expressive arrangement. They are: unity, emphasis, scale & proportion, balance, rhythm, and contrast. Think of the Principles as what you can make with the Lego Blocks (a spaceship, a dinosaur, etc.)

1. UNITY: compositional similarity, oneness, togetherness, or cohesion.

2. EMPHASIS: a compositional device emphasizing a certain area or object to draw the viewer’s attention.

3. SCALE & PROPORTION: Scale: a size relationship between two separate objects (such as the relationship between the Statue of Liberty and a human visitor to the monument.)
Proportion: The relative size of visual elements within an image; the size relationship of parts to a whole (such as the size of someone’s feet relative to their body.)

4. BALANCE: the equal distribution of weight or force among visual units.
Asymmetrical balance is equilibrium among visual units that do not mirror each other on either side of an axis.
Symmetrical balance is created when shapes are mirrored on either side of a central axis, as in a composition that is vertically divided down the middle.
Radial symmetry is a type of symmetrical balance that is created when shapes are mirrored both vertically and horizontally, with the center of the composition acting as the focal point.

5. RHYTHM: presentation of multiple units in a deliberate pattern. Rhythm is determined by repetition of the beat (pulse), accent (stress), and tempo (pace.)

6. CONTRAST: the degree of difference between compositional parts of between one image and another. Contrast is created when two or more forces operate in opposition.


Composition: a planned arrangement and organization of visual elements on a two-dimensional surface. Also called “design.”

Figure: any positive shape noticeably separated from the background or negative space. (Also called “positive shape”.)

Ground: the surface of a two-dimensional design that acts as the background or surrounding space for the figures in the composition. (Also called “negative shape”.)

Figure/Ground reversal: an arrangement in which positive and negative shapes alternately command attention. Also called “ambiguous figure/ground relationship.”

Hue: any pure color on the color wheel

Primary colors: red, yellow, blue

Secondary colors: orange, green, violet

Tertiary colors: red-orange, red-violet, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blueviolet, blue-green

Tint: a hue plus white

Shade: a hue plus black

Intensity: the saturation of a hue or color

Monochromatic: a color scheme using only one color with varying degrees of value or intensity

Analogous: a color scheme that uses hues located next to each other on the color wheel

Complementary: a color scheme incorporating opposite hues on the color wheel. Complementary colors accentuate each other in juxtaposition and neutralize each other in mixture.

Split-complementary: a color scheme using one hue and the two colors located on either side of its complement

Triad: a color scheme using any three colors that are equidistant on the color wheel.

Syllabus for 2-d and Materials list

Art 1010 Two Dimensional Design
Spring 2011
T,TH- 2:20pm-5:20pm Rm 413 Trahern

Professor: Mike Mitchell(aka mikewindy)
Office: Trahern 207
Phone: 221-7333
Office hours: Tuesday-Thursday 10am-11am

Catalog Description
Fundamental experience in two-dimensional design, with emphasis on the elements and principles of design and creative development, and media-skills training.

Course Objectives
This is an introductory level course in two-dimensional design. It is intended to give a basic and broad understanding of composition on a flat plane using the elements and principles of design. The course will focus on technical skills and creative processes equally: you will acquire a vocabulary of abilities and design strategies on which to build for the rest of your career. To succeed in this class you must exercise visual and conceptual problem solving skills; I hope that you will learn to take the assignments apart and put them together in new ways. You will also learn art terminology that will make talking about and looking at art easier, which is something we will do together a great deal.

Grades will be based on a point system according to the following:

250 Exercises (5 at 50 each)
500 Projects (5 at 100 each)
100 Final Exam (Vocab and skills test)
150 Attendance, participation in discussions class activities and critiques (4 points per day)
1000 Points possible

900-1000 = A
800-899 = B
700-799 = C
600-699 = D
Below 600 = F

All work must have a cover sheet attached and be ready for critique at the beginning of class on the due date. If it is not ready at the beginning of class, it will be counted late. Late work will receive a 10 point deduction for each class period it is late. Work that is late due to a documented excused absence will not be penalized.

A mid-term grade shall be awarded for all students in this course. The grade awarded may not necessarily be based on 50% of the course requirements and may or may not differ from the final grade. Your mid-term grade will be posted on AP Web.

*All work that is originally submitted on time may be reworked and resubmitted at any time throughout the semester, for a possible grade change.

Attendance will be taken sometime near the beginning of each class period. You must be here when I call your name. I need to watch you work to be able to help you. And you need to watch each other work to save yourself some trouble. If you come to the studio after attendance is called it is your responsibility to make sure that I change you from absent to tardy in my attendance book. Insist on watching me do it.

You will receive daily attendance/participation points. Failure to attend class will result in a lowered attendance grade that may adversely affect your final grade. You will not be penalized for excused absences. An excused absence is one that cannot be avoided, and with documentation (medical reasons, jury duty, etc.) I will not excuse absences for alarm clock malfunctions, misplaced car keys, or other preventable circumstances. Talk to me if you are unsure if an absence will be excused or not. If you come to class late or leave early, you will receive half attendance points for that day.

We will take breaks during class. With the exception of emergencies, you are not allowed to leave the classroom without my permission. I must know where you are at all times to be accountable for you.

The University’s policies on academic and classroom misconduct will be strictly enforced. Academic and classroom misconduct will not be tolerated. Please refer to your copy of the student handbook for all matters pertaining to misconduct. Persistent disruption of the learning environment will result in my asking you to drop the course or automatic failure.

Disability Policy
Any student who has a disability that my affect his/her academic performance is encouraged to make an appointment with me to discuss this matter or you may contact Disability Services at 221-6230 or 221-6278 tty or 221-7102 fax.

Minors in the Classroom
Minors (any non-student under the age of 18) accompanying staff, faculty, students, or visitors on campus are not permitted in the classroom.

Class Etiquette
Be respectful. Put your cell phone on vibrate or turn it off before class. If you have an emergency, please exit the classroom quietly. Respect the professor, respect the other students, and you will receive respect. If you are addicted to texting and checking emails, do it during breaks, not during class. IPODs may be used during work time with these restrictions: one ear must remain unplugged so you can hear announcements, and the volume must be so low that your neighbor cannot hear it.

Shout Out
Thanks to Rachel Hall-Kirk for this syllabus. Kell sent it to me and it’s pretty rad!

*The above policies and procedures are subject to change, at the Professor’s discretion, in the event of extenuating circumstances.



Materials are available at the APSU Campus bookstore, at Hobby Lobby on Wilma Rudolph Blvd., across from the mall, as well as Plaza Art Supply in Nashville.

- mechanical pencil (the regular kind used for writing)
-18" metal cork backed ruler
-#11 x-acto knife and extra blades
-sketch book-get old book from thrift store to paste pages in, collage or whitewash pages
-nylon paintbrush set (Loew-Cornell is a good brand, and cheap)
-acrylic paint:
Red - napthol or alizarin crimson or cadmium red
Blue - cobalt or cerulean
Yellow - cadmium light or medium
Titanium white
Mars black
-portfolio (to keep projects safe. This can be as simple as two pieces of cardboard
taped together)
-19"x 24" tracing paper
-white masking tape
-Pink Pearl eraser
-Ultra Fine Point black Sharpie
-regular point black Sharpie
-illustration board, as needed
-surface for mixing paint (white plastic plate)
-container for water (plastic cup or jar with lid(pickles)
-rubber cement
-glue stick
-optional: T-square, compass, triangle, drawing board